Pricing Plan

Pickup Pricing

Pick up by the bag

Bags are 4x4x3.5’ (56 cubic foot bin tossed)
  • Softwood: $130.00
  • Hardwood: $180.00
  • Smoking/Fruit wood: $300.00

Pick up by the truck load

(Average of 6ft Truck Box)
  • Softwood: $120.00 tossed $160.00 stacked
  • Hardwood: $150.00 tossed $200.00 stacked
  • Smoking/Fruit wood: $250.00 tossed $300.00 stacked

Pick-up by the cord

Pick up by the Cord
  • Softwood: $400.00
  • Hardwood: $550.00
  • Smoking/Fruit wood: $600-950.00 a Cord

Delivery Pricing

Delivery Fee Extra For Outside City Limit Deliveries.

$40 Delivery Fee Within the City.

Extra charge for outside City Limit.

Delivered by the bag

(Bags are 4'x3.5'x3' roughly 600-800lbs)
  • Softwood: $180.00
  • Hardwood: $230.00
  • Smoking/Fruit wood: $350.00

Delivered by the truck load

(Average of 6ft Truck Box)
  • Softwood: $160.00 tossed $200.00 stacked
  • Hardwood: $190.00 tossed $240.00 stacked
  • Smoking/Fruit wood: $240.00 tossed $290.00 stacked

Delivered By The Cord

Delivered By The Cord
  • Softwood: $440.00
  • Hardwood: $590.00
  • Smoking/Fruit wood: $790.00


High-Quality Firewood Edmonton

Top Notch quality of firewood in Edmonton. You get superior products and exceptional customer service when you choose ABC firewood.